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In this season of giving, would you consider making a year-end gift to the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf today?

The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf is making a difference in the lives of deaf and hard of hearing students throughout Pennsylvania.  Technology plays a critical role in the present and future success of WPSD’s students. The latest technology is integrated throughout the school day and in every part of the campus, providing knowledge and photo-sep-14-2experience that prepares each student for future challenges in college and the workforce.

Students in the Children’s Center use a bank of iPads loaded with educational apps which support and develop their language, math, and reading skills. In the elementary and middle schools, students have access to  robust computer labs, exposing them to advanced desktop publishing, graphic arts, multimedia development and video editing.

In WPSD’s recently launched 3-D printing lab, students are introduced to digital fabrication through a variety of high-level design programs. Students in the high school take learning into their own hands as they work with design, modeling, scanning, laser cutting, and 3-D printing. This truly keeps WPSD on the photo-sep-14cutting edge of technology and future workforce opportunities.  

As 2016 comes to a close, we need your help to ensure that our students and graduates continue to be leaders in the technology field. Would you consider a year-end gift to support our students? Your gift today is an investment in our students’ tomorrows.  A one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift can be made by clicking on the “Donate Today” button below. 

No gift is too small and every gift makes a difference. Another important way you can support WPSD is by sharing this appeal through email or social media.  Would you consider sharing WPSD’s story to grow our circle of friends this holiday season?  20160921_105712

Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and support of our students and our School.  Best wishes for a holiday season filled with peace and joy.