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Growers’ Circle

Join The Growers’ Circle

  • Recognition in our Annual Report
  • Subscription to the Western Pennsylvanian, WPSD’s quarterly newsletter
  • Private tour of WPSD
  • Invitations to WPSD Dining Series—exclusive restaurant events at Pittsburgh’s top dining establishments
  • Invitation to our annual Fall-In Auction, including a preview of items up for bid

Of course, recognition isn’t the only benefit to donating. Your gift will also benefit students for years to come.

Thank you to the members of WPSD’s Growers’ Circle

Mr. Ronald Arbasak
Mr. Rodney Danco
Danco Precision Inc.
Ms. Rita DeIuliis
Mr. Anthony DiGioia
Ms. Laurel Echavarria
Ms. Grace Emmons
Dr. Harry Lang
Mr. Angelo Martini, Sr.
Mr. Andrew Vater
Mr. Vincent Ruscavage
Ms. Virginia Schatz
VITAC/Ms. Pat Prozzi


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